Simply download one of the following files to your computer, then go to the uploads page and upload it as if it was your own. You will need to create an account before you upload. After your upload, move on to the shop page and place your free order.

Here is the more detailed free trial workflow.

DatasetType of dataDescription
Fisher iris data
Standard datasetThree species of iris flowers and their measurements. Classic dataset in Excel format, with an integer rownumber in the first column. Only 150 rows, so easy to inspect.

Trivia: two of the species were collected from Canada's beautiful Gaspè region Wikipedia Fisher iris
Standard datasetFootball (soccer) players and their statistics. File is in csv format and contains an integer rownumber in the first column.

This file contains accents and other foreign characters. The results file will be in UTF-8 format and will preserve unusual characters, but if you open the results in Excel you may need to follow the instructions in the FAQs for them to display properly.
KDDCup99 sample
Standard datasetA random subset of this well known dataset. The aim is to identify computer network intrusions. File is in csv format and contains an integer rownumber in the first column

Notes about original dataset
NYC taxi
Time seriesThis dataset counts the New York City taxi trips every half hour over several months. One column time series in csv format. Contains an integer rownumber in the first column.
CAD daily exchange rates
Time seriesMulti column time series in Excel format. Does not contain a rownumber.

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